Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Vanguard Jr. Schedule and Mentor Duties

Vanguard Moms,
The rotation for Vanguard Jr. mentors is up on the blog!
I have also attached a chart to this email. (to the original email)
Please look it over and find your assignment.  If there is an issue with your days please try to swap with someone or if it will need to be changed permanently let me know and I will get it fixed.  We will have the same schedule each month. 
I have also attached a schedule of how the day will go for each group.  Check it out so everyone is familiar with how the day will go each week.
We have three groups of different ages. 
Vanguard Junior (ages 8-11) -  A scaled back version of Vanguard that follows the same topics of study.  The weekly mentor is expected to provide inspirements a week in advance from the week you are assigned.  Please send them to Melinda Gilbert <> to post on the blog.  We will follow the same four week lenses rotation as regular Vanguard. So, next week will be LEADERSHIP. 
Littles (5-7) - The mentor is expected to provide a 45 minute lesson and activity based on the monthly topic studied in Vanguard. 
Nursery (0-4) - The mentor is expected to provide a 30 minute lesson and activity time that is age appropriate.
If you have any questions please contact me.  Thanks for everyone's input and efforts to make this work.

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